church in Brockton ma, church near me, Brockton ma, PEARL STREET BROCKTON, church in Brockton ma


In 2006, God directed me to leave corporate America with the instruction that I should pray twice a day (for more details about this story, read my book, Our Life Interrupted and The Prayers That Brought Us Through). After many years hidden away seeking the face of God in prayer, Father instructed me to start a prayer line. At that time, I had three friends with whom I prayed. I was uncomfortable with the request because I had started to enjoy being alone with God, but I also wanted to be obedient. I asked Father how I should start the prayer line, and He immediately responded that I should start with my four friends.

At 5am on one cold winter Wednesday morning in 2013, four women battle-weary, and desperate came together on a conference line to pray. We hailed from Miami, New York, and Massachusetts. What we had in common was our love for God and our need for Him to act in our lives. Our situations were desperate, and we needed a right now miracle. We ran to the Only One who could take our mess and turn it into a miracle. We prayed for each other, we prayed for our families, and we prayed for our nation, and for the nations of the world. We received miracles after miracles – although God was processing each of us, running to him in prayer gave us the confidence and courage we needed to endure the process. I did not know this then, but from my obedience and our desperate act, a prayer ministry began.

We persevered in prayer and committed to meet on the line twice a week. A commitment that we to honor to this day. We started to invite others and over time the prayer ministry started to grow. People joined from different states across the nation and through prayer we saw lives being transformed, and situations changing. Some visited for a season, and some came and stayed with us on the prayer line. Some of us never met each other in person, but through prayer, a bond had formed among us as we prayed for each other. Eventually, we decided to host a prayer conference. So, after almost two years of praying together, we held our first prayer conference with six individuals. Every year since 2015, year we host our annual prayer conference to strengthen our bonds as a praying ministry.

Today, we have grown into a ministry of faithful prayer warriors. We are a prayer ministry so uniquely positioned, anointed, gifted, and talented. We are men and women of wisdom, strength, dignity, and integrity. We are those who will impact our homes, communities, nations, generation, and generations to come. Our story is still being written, for we are a ministry that continue to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

In 2019, we decided it was time to formalize the ministry. So, after much prayer, Nehemiah International Ministries was legalized in the state of Massachusetts. Why Nehemiah? Because Nehemiah had passion and a deep yearning to see the people of God take their rightful position both physically and spiritually in the kingdom of God. Nehemiah salted all his actions with prayer. He diligently sought the will of God as he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was focused, faithful, and steadfast. As it was with Nehemiah in the Bible, the cry of my heart is that Nehemiah International Ministries would be a beacon of prayer and hope to a dying world. Our prayer is to take this same earnest passion and build the kingdom of God on the earth as it is in heaven.

Pastor Condase

Expanding the Kingdom


By focusing on the following 3 areas, we fulfill our mission of activating purpose and maximizing potential in lives.


Our International Ministries & Partners

At Nehemiah International Ministries, we believe “We are our brother’s keepers.” We practice this by partnering with ministries across the globe to provide support and help when and where needed. We are always looking for opportunities to serve locally, nationally, and abroad.
La Montagne de Jacmel.

Our Partners in Haiti

L’Eglise Chretienne Reformee D’Haiti.  La Montagne de Jacmel.

Legliz la. L’Eglise Baptiste de L’Esperance a Hinche   Cite Silence.

San Cristobel, Republica Dominicana

Our Partners in the Dominican Republic

Iglesia Pentecostal Luz Para Cristo, INC

San Cristobel, Republica Dominicana.


Our Operation In Haiti

At Nehemiah International Ministries, we speak the language of love. We believe the work of the Lord is helping those that are in need. To this end, we have connected with several ministries in Haiti and will be supporting them by mailing barrels of food, clothing, and school items.


Join us in our Operation Haiti! Items are being collected to be packed and shipped on August 7, 2021. Items may be dropped off between the hours of 12 noon to 3pm at 415 Pearl Street, Brockton, MA 02301.Learn More »

Our Operation Dominican Republic

Our sister ministry in the Dominican Republic needs our support not only in prayers but in our giving. To that end, we have created an Operation Dominican Republic. We will assist in the shipping of clothing, food, and school items to support the work that is being done in the Dominican Republic through the service of our Pastor Altagracia.


Join us in our Operation Haiti! Items are being collected to be packed and shipped on August 7, 2021. Items may be dropped off between the hours of 12 noon to 3pm at 415 Pearl Street, Brockton, MA 02301.Learn More »

St.Vincent & The Grenadines

Our brothers and sisters in St.Vincent and the Grenadines needed our help. We partnered with ministries in our area and successfully sent twelve barrels of food, clothing, and other items to their aid.